The Value Of Job Titles Is In The Paper They’re Written On
The California Equal Pay Act exposed the one thing experienced technology professionals already knew. Job titles indicate little about the actual job function or the value of any individual. This is true not just from company to company, but even within an organization. To comply with the law, companies gathered the internal data and posted…
Walking Before Running – A few questions to see if you have the culture to be successful implementing a data driven organization.
In today’s world, leaders of companies young and old are all about data analytics and becoming data driven organizations. I am sure that everyone reading this has been in planning meetings or town halls recently where a push for more data analytics was front and center. One of the big reasons this is on everyone’s…
Chief Data Overlord and the Council- How a Big Hiring Mistake Leaves Organizations Without The Right Tech Leads
In the Data Echo World I previously wrote about the real world most organizations find themselves in. No one ever decided to build this environment intentionally. It came about over years of siloed decision making and tool selection, as well as a business-first world of just get it done and get it done now. An…